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Žaidimo informacija

You incarnate a waitress in a small restaurant. Your goal is to serve the most possible customers without you to mislead. You place in front of the tables and support on space to take the orders, then go either to the bar (in top on the right), or to the cuisines(en low) to select the dishes and drinks with the mouse and return to carry the order. The customers order certain times then the drinks then then the dishes think of taking the new order well while bringing drinks. Attention not to return in the people who balladent themselves in the restaurant, that would slow down you. If the clock close to the people is entirely red, they have enough of it to wait and from go away. Easy way: you can redemandez the order while r¨¦appuyant on space close to the people but too from requests and they from will go away.

Žaidimo žymos:
Menu, Mayhem