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Frank is a small robot, looking like Frankenstein's monster. Someone has set him into walking mode using the key in his back and he is now walking straight forward without stopping and no way to avoid the dangers around. You have to help him going through safely. For that purpose, click on the interactive items at proper time. You can identify these by the changing pointer. However, take care! The items to be used become interactive first when Frank arrives close to these. It means that as long as Frank is far away from a usable item, you cannot identify it because the pointer does not change on it! Therefore, you cannot search in advance. However, the items to be used are always close to Frank, what does limit the surface to search in. This game has another diffilcuty: There are several routings possible, but not all of them allow Frank to reach the goal... Fortunately, you have several available lives, enough to test everything and find out the right path. Enjoy!

Žaidimo žymos:
Frank, Adventure, 1